Showing: 11 - 15 of 17 RESULTS

Why We Say NO to Santorini and YES to other Greek Islands

You’ve seen the pictures of the iconic bright blue domes, white buildings, cobblestone streets and cobalt blue water of Santorini.  The reality is, just like ads with models, it’s mostly photoshopped.  This shouldn’t surprise you as most photos today are photoshopped leaving some travellers disappointed upon arrival.   Top Three: Original Photos / Bottom: Photoshopped Photo And if …

Other Destinations

The Capital of the Highlands – Inverness, Scotland

The Scottish Highlands boast sweeping mountainous regions with vast and deep lochs. The beauty of this natural landscape creates a magnificent cinematic backdrop. Names from Scottish lore like Bonnie Prince Charlie, and Culloden, echo through the castles and fields as the bagpipers play “Scotland the Brave.” The area is also home to a pop culture …


Best of the Best in Athens, Greece

Ancient Athens was recognized as the cradle of Western civilization and the birthplace of democracy. Current day Athens is still thriving as the capital of Greece, boasting over 3 million inhabitants. While major urban sprawl has enveloped the city, Athens has been able to  preserve many monuments from its mighty past. We have created some …

Other Destinations

Oban Scotland – The Gateway to the Isles

Positioned on the country’s western shores, Oban is the entry point to the archipelago of Scotland’s Inner Hebrides islands. Seafood and whisky are what drive many to make a pilgrimage to this region, while others pass by catching a ferry for one of the nearby island communities. In the heart of summer, Oban’s population swells …